TG Badminton Tournament 2024
ProtectionPlus 2024
Sustainable Packaging on Load Securing Course
Online Training Programmes 2020
One of our first online training programmes during the Covid-19 lockdowns was for our Austria customer. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way organisations and individuals pursue learning. In the months during the virus outbreak, many norms were driven to significant changes, one of which was the way we conducted training for our customers.
Attends Chicago’s Pack Expo 2018
Newton is on the mission to expand and grow through knowledge exchange with industry experts. We participated in the Pack Expo held in Chicago on the 14th of October, 2018. This trade fair had 2,000 exhibitors and 30,000 attendees. Some exhibitors include machines and equipment providers for packaging, materials, and containers. Many latest automation technologies from various industries were exhibited and shared during the event. Newton had the privilege to engage, share and learn from many industry experts from the American continent.
Putting People First On Work-Life Balance Sharing
Meeting the Demand for Packaging Safety in China
ISTA APAC Packaging Symposium 2017
In Pursuit of Knowledge & Inspiration at ISTA’s Asia Pacific Packaging Symposium
Newton participated in the ISTA Asia Pacific Packaging Symposium 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand. Organised by the ISTA Asia Pacific Division Board and hosted by Kasetsart University Department of Packaging and Materials Technology, the symposium was held from November 1st to 3rd and attended by packaging industry players, including brand owners.
Some of the topics covered during the symposium were
- SPECIAL PROGRAM: Learn from ISTA Experts on how to Design, Develop and Test Transport Packaging and Cushioning
- Reducing Packaging Costs, Damage and Environmental Footprint
- e-Commerce packaging
- Test your packaged-products systems for safe delivery
- Measure and analyse distribution environments
- Manage supply chain and cold chain packaging
- Case studies and research updates
The trip was a fruitful journey for Newton in learning and knowledge building. We learned about design, development and testing, transport packaging and cushioning from many packaging industry experts who attended the event. The sharing and knowledge gained have provided us with valuable insights to improve our testing capabilities to serve our customers better.
With perseverance and camaraderie, we pushed through every obstacle, emerging stronger both as individuals and as a team. This event wasn’t just about completing the course—it was about fostering a healthier, more active lifestyle, while embracing the power of teamwork.
We’re incredibly proud of our team for their dedication and for embodying the spirit of Newton R&D.
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